February 5th, 2021
The requirement for the “Daily Entry” with the NHSN has gone through four to five massive iterations over the past six months. These fields are constantly changing; sometimes being removed, sometimes returning to the required dataset. We’ve done our best to document these fields so there’s more clarity around what the NHSN is actually asking for. It has been common that customers don’t understand what the calculated value of each of these fields is. This information is accurate as of the writing of this article. As always, please refer to the NHSN’s COVID-19 Module for the most recent information.
Resident Fields
This list of resident fields does not include the growing array of vaccine fields. For brevity and focus, we’ve omitted those fields. For reference, here is the NHSN’s
official guide for the resident fields as of the publishing of this article.
Res Pos
Key: numrespostest
Required: Optional
POSITIVE TESTS: Number of residents with a new positive COVID-19 viral test result.
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Res Susp
Key: numressuspc19
Required: Optional
SUSPECTED: Residents with new suspected COVID-19
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Key: numresadmc19
Required: Optional
ADMISSIONS: Residents admitted or readmitted from another facility who were previously diagnosed with COVID-19 and continue to require transmission-based precautions. Excludes recovered residents.
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <=3000
Key: numresdied
Required: Optional
TOTAL DEATHS: Residents who have died for any reason in the facility or another location
Range: 0 to 10000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <=10000
C19 Deaths
Key: numresc19died
Required: Optional
COVID-19 DEATHS: Of the number of reported Total Deaths, report the number of residents with COVID-19 who died in the facility or another location.
Range: 0 to 10000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <=10000
Key: numltcfbeds
Required: Optional
ALL BEDS (FIRST SURVEY ONLY): Total number of beds within the certified Medicare and/or Medicaid long-term care facility
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <=3000
Key: numltcfbedsocc
Required: Optional
CURRENT CENSUS: Total number of beds that are occupied on the reporting calendar day
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be whole number Must be <= All Beds, if populated, or <=3000
Key: staffc19testability
Required: Optional
TESTINGSTAFF: Does the LTCF have the ability to perform or to obtain resources for performing SARS-CoV-2 viral testing (NAAT [PCR] or antigen) on all staff and facility personnel within the next 7 days, if needed?
Instructions: Y for Yes N for No
Key: resc19testability
Required: Optional
TESTINGRESIDENT: Does the LTCF have the ability to perform or to obtain resources for performing SARS-CoV-2 viral testing (nucleic acid/PCR or antigen) on all current residents within the next 7 days, if needed?
Instructions: Y for Yes N for No
Key: resc19poctestperf
Required: Conditionally Required
Since the last date of data entry in the Module, how many COVID-19 point-of-care tests has the LTCF performed on residents
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if perfC19Test = Y
POC Staff
Key: staffc19poctestperf
Required: Conditionally Required
Since the last date of data entry in the Module, how many COVID-19 point-of-care tests has the LTCF performed on staff and/or facility personnel?
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if perfC19Test = Y
Key: numrespostestposag
Required: Conditionally Required
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported residents above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen test only (no other testing performed)
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if numResPosTest > 0. If entered, sum of all 4 numResPosTest tests must = numResPosTest
Key: numResPosTestPosNAAT
Required: Conditionally Required
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported residents above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using positive SARS-CoV-2 NAAT (PCR)
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Sum of all 4 numResConfC19 tests must be <= numResConfC19
Key: numResPosTestPosAgNegNAAT
Required: Conditionally Required
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported residents above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using positive SARS-CoV-2 antigen test and negative SARS CoV-2 NAAT (PCR)
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Sum of all 4 numResConfC19 tests must be <= numResConfC19
Key: numResPosTestOther
Required: Conditionally Required
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported residents above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using any other combination of SARS-CoV-2 NAAT (PCR) and/or antigen test(s) with at least one positive test
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Sum of all 4 numResConfC19 tests must be <= numResConfC19
Key: numResPosTestReinf
Required: Required
RE-INFECTIONS: Of the number of reported residents above with a Positive Test, how many were considered as re-infected?
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <= numResPosTest
Reinfect Symp
Key: numResPosTestReinfSymp
Required: Optional
SYMPTOMATIC: Of the number of reported residents with Re- Infections, how many had signs and/or symptoms consistent with COVID-19?
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number numResPosTestReinfSymp + numResPosTestReinfAsymp must be <= numResPosTestReinf
Reinfect Asymp
Key: numResPosTestReinfASymp
Required: Optional
ASYMPTOMATIC: Of the number of reported residents with Re- Infections, how many did not have signs and/or symptoms consistent with COVID-19?
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number numResPosTestReinfSymp + numResPosTestReinfAsymp must be <= numResPosTestReinf
Key: numresconfflu
Required: Optional
INFLUENZA: Number of residents with new influenza (flu).
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Other Resp
Key: numresothresp
Required: Optional
RESPIRATORY ILLNESS: Number of residents with acute respiratory illness symptoms, excluding COVID-19 and/or influenza (flu).
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Key: numresconffluc19
Required: Optional
INFLUENZA and COVID-19: Number of residents with a confirmed co- infection with influenza (flu) and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
Range: 0 to 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Viral Tests
Key: perfc19test
Required: Optional
Since the last date of data entry in the Module, has your LTCF performed SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) viral testing?
Instructions: Y for Yes N for No
Non POC Res
Key: resc19nonpoctestperf
Required: Conditionally Required
Since the last date of data entry in the Module, how many COVID-19 NON point-of-care tests has the LTCF performed on residents
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if perfC19Test = Y
Non POC Staff
Key: staffc19nonpoctestperf
Required: Conditionally Required
Since the last date of data entry in the Module, how many COVID-19 NON point-of-care tests has the LTCF performed on staff and/or facility personnel?
Instructions: Must me a whole number Required if perfC19Test = Y
Key: c19nonpoctestresults
Required: Optional
During the past two weeks, on average, how long did it take your LTCF to receive SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) viral test results of staff and/or facility personnel?
Instructions: <1 DAY for Less than one day 1-2 DAYS -for 1-2 days 3-7 DAYS for 3-7 days >7 DAYS for More than 7 days NOTEST for No testing performed in the past two weeks on residents or staff and/or facility personnel
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Staff Fields
You will notice that some of the staff fields are actually in the resident file. For reference, here is the NHSN’s
official guide for the staff fields as of the publishing of this article.
Staff Pos
Key: numStaffPosTest
Required: Optional
POSITIVE TESTS: Number of staff and facility personnel with a new positive COVID-19 viral test result.
Range: 0 – 1000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Key: numStaffPosTestPosAg
Required: Optional
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported staff and facility personnel above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using positive SARS- CoV-2 antigen test only (no other testing performed)
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if numStaffPosTest > 0. If entered, sum of all 4 numStaffPosTest tests must = numStaffPosTest
Key: numStaffPosTestPosNAAT
Required: Conditionally Required
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported staff and facility personnel above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using positive SARS- CoV-2 NAAT (PCR) [no other testing performed]
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if numStaffPosTest > 0. If entered, sum of all 4 numStaffPosTest tests must = numStaffPosTest
Key: numStaffPosTestPosAgNegNAAT
Required: Conditionally Required
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported staff and facility personnel above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using positive SARS- CoV-2 antigen test and negative SARS-CoV-2 NAAT (PCR)
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if numStaffPosTest > 0. If entered, sum of all 4 numStaffPosTest tests must = numStaffPosTest
Key: numStaffPosTestOther
Required: Conditionally Required
TEST TYPE: Of the number of reported staff and facility personnel above with a Positive Test, how many were tested using any other combination of SARS-CoV-2 NAAT (PCR) and/or antigen test(s) with at least one positive test
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required if numStaffPosTest > 0. If entered, sum of all 4 numStaffPosTest tests must = numStaffPosTest
Key: numStaffPosTestReinf
Required: Conditionally Required
RE-INFECTIONS: Of the number of reported staff and facility personnel above with a Positive Test, how many were considered as re-infected?
Instructions: Must be a whole number Required where numStaffPosTest > 0. Must be <= numStaffPosTest
Reinfect Symp
Key: numStaffPosTestReinfSymp
Required: Optional
SYMPTOMATIC: Of the number of reported staff and facility personnel with Re-Infections, how many had signs and/or symptoms consistent with COVID-19?
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Reinfect Asymp
Key: numStaffPosTestReinfASymp
Required: Optional
ASYMPTOMATIC: Of the number of reported staff and facility personnel with Re-Infections, how many did not have signs and/or symptoms consistent with COVID-19?
Instructions: Must be a whole number
C19 Deaths
Key: numStaffC19Died
Required: Optional
COVID-19 DEATHS: Number of staff and facility personnel with COVID- 19 who died.
Range: 0 – 1000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Key: numStaffConfFlu
Required: Optional
INFLUENZA: Number of staff and facility personnel above with new influenza (flu).
Range: 0 – 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Other Resp
Key: numStaffOthResp
Required: Optional
RESPIRATORY ILLNESS: Number of staff and facility personnel with acute respiratory illness symptoms, excluding COVID-19 and/or influenza (flu).
Range: 0 – 3000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Key: numStaffConfFluC19
Required: Optional
INFLUENZA and COVID-19: Number of staff and facility personnel with a confirmed co-infection with influenza (flu) and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <= numStaffConfC19 and <= numStaffConfFlu
Short Nurse
Key: shortNurse
Required: Optional
Does your organization have a shortage of Nursing Staff: registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, vocational nurse?
Instructions: Y for Yes N for No
Short Clinic
Key: shortClin
Required: Optional
Does your organization have a shortage of Clinical Staff: physician, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse?
Instructions: Y for Yes N for No
Short Aide
Key: shortAide
Required: Optional
Does your organization have a shortage of Aide: certified nursing assistant, nurse aide, medication aide, and medication technician?
Instructions: Y for Yes N for No
Short Staff
Key: shortOthStaff
Required: Optional
Does your organization have a shortage of Other staff or facility personnel, regardless of clinical responsibility or resident contact not included in the categories above (for example, environmental services)?
Instructions: Y for Yes N for No
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Supplies Fields
N95 Masks Today
Key: n95maskadeqtoday
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: N95 Masks
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
N95 Masks Week
Key: n95maskadeqweek
Required: Optional
Do you have enough for next week: N95 Masks
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Sugical Masks Today
Key: surgmaskadeqtoday
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Surgical Masks
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Surgical Masks Week
Key: surgmaskadeqweek
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Surgical Masks
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Eye Protection Today
Key: eyeprotectadeqtoday
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Eye protection, including face shields or goggles
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Eye Protection Week
Key: eyeprotectadeqweek
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Eye protection, including face shields or goggles
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Gowns Today
Key: gownadeqtoday
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Gowns
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Gowns Week
Key: gownadeqweek
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Gowns
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Gloves Today
Key: gloveadeqtoday
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Gloves
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Gloves Week
Key: gloveadeqweek
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Gloves
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Sanitizer Today
Key: sanitizeradeqtoday
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
Sanitizer Week
Key: sanitizeradeqweek
Required: Optional
Do you have an adequate supply: Alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Y for Yes or N for No
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Ventilator Fields
Key: ventunit
Required: Required
Do you have a ventilator dependent unit in your facility
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Must be Y for Yes or N for No
Key: numvent
Required: Optional
Mechanical Ventilators: Total number of available in your facility
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <= ALL BEDS, or <=2000
C19 Num
Key: numventc19
Required: Optional
Mechanical Ventilators in Use: Total number of mechanical ventilators in use for residents that have suspected, or lab confirmed COVID-19
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number Must be <= ALL BEDS, or <=2000
Supp Today
Key: ventadeqtoday
Required: Optional
Ventilator Supplies: Do you have an adequate supply?
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Must be Y for Yes or N for No
Supp Week
Key: ventadeqweek
Required: Optional
Ventilator Supplies: Do you have enough for one week?
Range: Y or N
Instructions: Must be Y for Yes or N for No
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Therapeutics Fields
Bamlan This
Key: therapeutic_0
Required: Optional
Total residents treated with Bamlan therapeutics at this facility.
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Bamlan Other
Key: therapeutic_1
Required: Optional
Total residents treated with Bamlan therapeutics at other facilities.
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Casimdev This
Key: therapeutic_2
Required: Optional
Total residents treated with Casimdev therapeutics at this facility.
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Casimdev Other
Key: therapeutic_3
Required: Optional
Total residents treated with Casimdev therapeutics at other facilities.
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Bametes This
Key: therapeutic_4
Required: Optional
Total residents treated with Bametes therapeutics at this facility.
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number
Bametes Other
Key: therapeutic_5
Required: Optional
Total residents treated with Bametes therapeutics at other facilities.
Range: 0 to 2000
Instructions: Must be a whole number